"Osechi" originally referred to the festivals of the lunar calendar, and was a dish eaten at the turn of the seasons. This custom was spread among the Japanese people during the Edo period, and now the food eaten on New Year's Day is called "Osechi Dish" in Japan.
Osechi dish also has the meaning of entertaining the gods, and the Japanese prepare this dish for the following reasons.
By eating this dish together with the gods, you will benefit from them.
Don't be busy when welcoming God on New Year’s holiday.
Don't use the kitchen on New Year holiday.
One of the reasons why "you don't use the kitchen" is not to kill any animals like chickens and fish from the 1st day of the New Year. For this reason, the Japanese women are very busy preparing this osechi dish by New Year's Eve which must be good enough to last for 3-5 days during the New Year holiday with some special ingredients and cooking methods. It is because in the old days, the refrigeration was not possible.
There are 5 different kinds of osechi dishes with more than 20 to 30 items, and each item has its own auspicious meaning and reason. The Japanese people have a lot of customs to convey good luck by playing with words.
Let me introduce some of them here.
Black soybean
Black soybeans symbolize health and diligence, such as "to be able to work diligently". “ A bean” and “diligently” pronunciation is same as “Mame”.
Red snapper
Since this fish is owned by Lord Ebisu, it is also associated with the Seven Lucky Gods, and is said to bring good luck since the pronunciation of a red snapper (“tai”) is same as auspicious(“medetai” )
Since there is only one set of shells that fits perfectly each other, it represents a good match.
Lotus roots
Since lotus roots have holes in them so that you can see the other side well; that is, you can see your future, eating them at the beginning of the new year is a wish for a bright future.
Bamboo shoots
Bamboo shoots grow very fast toward the sky, so it is a wish for success in life.
How was it?
You may catch a glimpse of Japanese culture that appreciates nature from these things.
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